The builders are coming in next week so we're packing stuff in boxes again and getting ready for an onslaught of dust and disruption. We're going walkabout some of the time - holidays, camping out at friends and family, as well as coming back to look after the garden and oversee the work - so look out, we may land on your doorstep with suitcases and sob stories anytime soon!
The band was great - best when we were back in our garden with a glass of wine.
Another of the week's events is a scarecrow competition which has a frighteningly high standard. This year's theme is . . . wait for it . . . yes you guessed . . . the Olympics! Some of them are really art installations which wouldn't look out of place in the Tate Modern. I've posted shots of a few below.
By the time the building work is finished, we'll have been here for a year but I won't be able to keep up the blog while it's going on so I've decided to sign off for three months. Back in the Autumn for a final sign-off, but in the meantime, two things I need to bring up to date. We finally decided to call the house Jackdaw Cottage in honour of the birds which 'chack chack' around us all day. And the raised beds, which we built in spring are now in full and magnificent production. Slowly, slowly, this place changes us.
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